Our Schedule for 2025
Hard copies are issued to Society members and include a membership card on the front page with entitlement to certain local garden centre discounts. See Membership page for details.
Hard copies are issued to Society members and include a membership card on the front page with entitlement to certain local garden centre discounts. See Membership page for details.
For further detail on any of our events, please contact Karen at [email protected]
2025 programme
Thursday 9th January 7pm arrival for 7.15pm start. Committee Meeting.
Caterham Valley Library, 1 Stafford Road, Caterham CR3 6JG.
Saturday 18th January 11am to 12pm. Membership renewals.
Caterham Valley Library, 1 Stafford Road, Caterham CR3 6JG.
Saturday 25th January 11am to 12pm. Membership renewals.
Caterham Hill Library, Westway, Caterham CR3 5TP.
No events
Friday 7th March 7.30pm start.
Speaker Mark Dobell on his 25 years as Head Gardener at the 125-acre Little Mynthurst Farm, Surrey, once the home of Lord Baden-Powell of scouting fame.
Caterham United Reformed Church, Harestone Hill, Caterham CR3 6SX.
Thursday 13th March 7pm arrival for 7.15pm start. Committee Meeting.
Caterham Valley Library, 1 Stafford Road, Caterham CR3 6JG.
Saturday 5th April public entry 2-4pm. Spring Show.
The Westway Centre, Chaldon Road, Caterham CR3 5TA opposite the Westway Common.
Look out for our banner!
Saturday 19th April 11am. Join us for a cuppa at the Community Garden.
Westway Allotments, Caterham CR3 5TR.
Thursday 1st May 7pm arrival for 7.15pm start. Committee Meeting.
Caterham Valley Library, 1 Stafford Road, Caterham CR3 6JG.
Saturday 17th May 2.30pm start. Gardeners, Cooks, Flower Arrangers and Crafters Questions with our judges and demonstration on how to stage your entries.
Caterham Valley Library, 1 Stafford Road, Caterham CR3 6JG.
Saturday 17th May 11am. Join us for a cuppa at the Community Garden.
Westway Allotments, Caterham CR3 5TR.
Saturday 14th June 11am to 4pm. Plant Sale at Caterham Carnival. Donations of good quality labelled plants are very welcome. Westway Common, 57 Westway, Caterham CR3 5PP.
Thursday 19th June 7pm arrival for 7.15pm start. Committee Meeting.
Caterham Valley Library, 1 Stafford Road, Caterham CR3 6JG.
Saturday 21st June 11am. Join us for a cuppa at the Community Garden.
Westway Allotments, Caterham CR3 5TR.
Saturday 19th July 11am. Join us for a Coffee Morning at the Community Garden.
Westway Allotments, Caterham CR3 5TR.
Thursday 31st July 7pm arrival for 7.15pm start. Committee Meeting.
Caterham Valley Library, 1 Stafford Road, Caterham CR3 6JG.
Bank Holiday Monday 25th August 1pm. Mini Show at Chaldon Fete.
Six Brothers Field, Chaldon, CR3 5BD.
Saturday 16th August 11am. Join us for a cuppa at the Community Garden.
Westway Allotments, Caterham CR3 5TR.
Thursday 4th September 7.30pm start. Ben Pope on Growing Green:
A talk that focuses on gardening sustainably whilst growing produce for the home.
Caterham URC, Harestone Hill, Caterham CR3 6SX.
Thursday 25th September 7pm arrival for 7.15pm start. Committee Meeting.
Caterham Valley Library, 1 Stafford Road, Caterham CR3 6JG.
Saturday 20th September 11am. Join us for a cuppa at the Community Garden.
Westway Allotments, Caterham CR3 5TR.
Saturday 4th October public entry 2-4pm. Autumn Show.
The Westway Centre, Chaldon Road, Caterham CR3 5TA opposite the Westway Common.
Look out for our banner!
Saturday 18th October 11am. Join us for a cuppa at the Community Garden.
Westway Allotments, Caterham CR3 5TR.
Thursday 23rd October 7pm arrival for a 7.15pm start. Committee Meeting.
Caterham Valley Library, 1 Stafford Road, Caterham CR3 6JG.
10th November 7.15pm start. Annual General Meeting followed by a talk/ demonstration. Caterham URC, Harestone Hill, Caterham CR3 6SX.
Thursday 27th November 7pm arrival for a 7.15pm start. Committee Meeting.
Caterham Valley Library, 1 Stafford Road, Caterham CR3 6JG.
Making a Christmas wreath date/venue confirmed.
We are at the Community Garden every Tuesday & Thursday at 10.30am and you can pop in for a cuppa on the 3rd Saturday in the month at 11 am, from April. Westway Allotments, Caterham CR3 5TR (Parking on The Westway by Caterham Hill Library).
Information correct at time of going to press. Check our website/Facebook page and newsletters before travelling to events and for updates on future events.
Website: www.caterhamdistricthorticulturalsoc.weebly.com
Facebook: Caterham District HortiSoc
Help needed !
If you would like to join our friendly committee or help out at some of our forthcoming events why not drop us a line we would love you to be on our list of helpers. This would be an ideal opportunity to meet new local people, learn new things and have some fun in the mix.
All skill sets will be welcomed.
Contact us on: [email protected] for more details
or use the contact form on this website.
Thursday 9th January 7pm arrival for 7.15pm start. Committee Meeting.
Caterham Valley Library, 1 Stafford Road, Caterham CR3 6JG.
Saturday 18th January 11am to 12pm. Membership renewals.
Caterham Valley Library, 1 Stafford Road, Caterham CR3 6JG.
Saturday 25th January 11am to 12pm. Membership renewals.
Caterham Hill Library, Westway, Caterham CR3 5TP.
No events
Friday 7th March 7.30pm start.
Speaker Mark Dobell on his 25 years as Head Gardener at the 125-acre Little Mynthurst Farm, Surrey, once the home of Lord Baden-Powell of scouting fame.
Caterham United Reformed Church, Harestone Hill, Caterham CR3 6SX.
Thursday 13th March 7pm arrival for 7.15pm start. Committee Meeting.
Caterham Valley Library, 1 Stafford Road, Caterham CR3 6JG.
Saturday 5th April public entry 2-4pm. Spring Show.
The Westway Centre, Chaldon Road, Caterham CR3 5TA opposite the Westway Common.
Look out for our banner!
Saturday 19th April 11am. Join us for a cuppa at the Community Garden.
Westway Allotments, Caterham CR3 5TR.
Thursday 1st May 7pm arrival for 7.15pm start. Committee Meeting.
Caterham Valley Library, 1 Stafford Road, Caterham CR3 6JG.
Saturday 17th May 2.30pm start. Gardeners, Cooks, Flower Arrangers and Crafters Questions with our judges and demonstration on how to stage your entries.
Caterham Valley Library, 1 Stafford Road, Caterham CR3 6JG.
Saturday 17th May 11am. Join us for a cuppa at the Community Garden.
Westway Allotments, Caterham CR3 5TR.
Saturday 14th June 11am to 4pm. Plant Sale at Caterham Carnival. Donations of good quality labelled plants are very welcome. Westway Common, 57 Westway, Caterham CR3 5PP.
Thursday 19th June 7pm arrival for 7.15pm start. Committee Meeting.
Caterham Valley Library, 1 Stafford Road, Caterham CR3 6JG.
Saturday 21st June 11am. Join us for a cuppa at the Community Garden.
Westway Allotments, Caterham CR3 5TR.
Saturday 19th July 11am. Join us for a Coffee Morning at the Community Garden.
Westway Allotments, Caterham CR3 5TR.
Thursday 31st July 7pm arrival for 7.15pm start. Committee Meeting.
Caterham Valley Library, 1 Stafford Road, Caterham CR3 6JG.
Bank Holiday Monday 25th August 1pm. Mini Show at Chaldon Fete.
Six Brothers Field, Chaldon, CR3 5BD.
Saturday 16th August 11am. Join us for a cuppa at the Community Garden.
Westway Allotments, Caterham CR3 5TR.
Thursday 4th September 7.30pm start. Ben Pope on Growing Green:
A talk that focuses on gardening sustainably whilst growing produce for the home.
Caterham URC, Harestone Hill, Caterham CR3 6SX.
Thursday 25th September 7pm arrival for 7.15pm start. Committee Meeting.
Caterham Valley Library, 1 Stafford Road, Caterham CR3 6JG.
Saturday 20th September 11am. Join us for a cuppa at the Community Garden.
Westway Allotments, Caterham CR3 5TR.
Saturday 4th October public entry 2-4pm. Autumn Show.
The Westway Centre, Chaldon Road, Caterham CR3 5TA opposite the Westway Common.
Look out for our banner!
Saturday 18th October 11am. Join us for a cuppa at the Community Garden.
Westway Allotments, Caterham CR3 5TR.
Thursday 23rd October 7pm arrival for a 7.15pm start. Committee Meeting.
Caterham Valley Library, 1 Stafford Road, Caterham CR3 6JG.
10th November 7.15pm start. Annual General Meeting followed by a talk/ demonstration. Caterham URC, Harestone Hill, Caterham CR3 6SX.
Thursday 27th November 7pm arrival for a 7.15pm start. Committee Meeting.
Caterham Valley Library, 1 Stafford Road, Caterham CR3 6JG.
Making a Christmas wreath date/venue confirmed.
We are at the Community Garden every Tuesday & Thursday at 10.30am and you can pop in for a cuppa on the 3rd Saturday in the month at 11 am, from April. Westway Allotments, Caterham CR3 5TR (Parking on The Westway by Caterham Hill Library).
Information correct at time of going to press. Check our website/Facebook page and newsletters before travelling to events and for updates on future events.
Website: www.caterhamdistricthorticulturalsoc.weebly.com
Facebook: Caterham District HortiSoc
Help needed !
If you would like to join our friendly committee or help out at some of our forthcoming events why not drop us a line we would love you to be on our list of helpers. This would be an ideal opportunity to meet new local people, learn new things and have some fun in the mix.
All skill sets will be welcomed.
Contact us on: [email protected] for more details
or use the contact form on this website.